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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 6, Issue 6, pp. 907-1050

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An Integral Representation for the Solution $W_{km} $ of Whittaker's Differential Equation

James D'Archangelo

pp. 907-912

Nonlinear Axisymmetric Buckled States of Shallow Spherical Caps

George H. Knightly and D. Sather

pp. 913-924

Stability of Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems with Nonlinear Feedback

Gideon Peyser

pp. 925-936

Complete Families of Solutions for Parabolic Equations with Analytic Coefficients

David Colton

pp. 937-947

A Set of Rational Functions Related to the Euler–Fobenius Polynomials

George M. Muller

pp. 948-959

Appell's Function $F_4 $ as a Double Average

B. C. Carlson

pp. 960-965

The Evaluation of Certain Classes of Nonabsolutely Convergent Double Series

Bruce C. Berndt

pp. 966-977

On the Behavior of Principal Fundamental Solutions of Elliptic Equations

V. R. Gopala Rao

pp. 978-988

Dual Trigonometric Series—a Related Problem

Robert P. Feinerman and Donald J. Newman

pp. 989-997

A New Integral Equation for Certain Plane Dirichlet Problems

James M. Sloss

pp. 998-1006

Matched Asymptotic Expansion Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with a Small Parameter

Noam Gordon

pp. 1007-1016

Self-Adjoint Differential Expressions in Two Variables

George E. Mitchell

pp. 1017-1020

Grünbaum's Inequality for Bessel Functions and Its Extensions

A. McD. Mercer

pp. 1021-1023

On the Eigenvalues of Certain integral Operators

I. I. Hirschman, Jr.

pp. 1024-1050